Why Users Get Banned From Instagram? & How to Avoid it?


Instagram, as a popular app all around the world, is popular among people. It has many strict rules and won’t let anyone put their steps beyond their limitations.

In some cases, this platform won’t even notify you of your shared content and will immediately ban you.

Let’s see, under what conditions, Instagram blocks you?

You have to follow many rules and limitations to keep Instagram satisfied, so that they won’t block you.

  • A sudden increase or decrease in the number of followers or likes

The most receiving reports of being blocked by Instagram are related to this troublemaker field.

This can happen in both cases if you have participated in an advertising event, which made your account receive enormous followers, or you decide to remove your fake followers using relevant tools. This also caused a sudden decrease in the number of your followers.


The maximum number of follows per hour due to limitation is 60. And it shouldn’t get higher than that number.

Most accounts can complete 400 – 500 follows and unfollows actions each day. But in larger accounts (professional accounts), the limitations are often much higher.

And also, if you follow or unfollow accounts too quickly, you might receive a block notification. In some cases, these prompts will stop you from following or unfollowing for a couple of days.

However, in some other, your account may be banned for a much more extended period.

  • Repeated sharing posts

Instagram watches the algorithm of one-account publications. Only the algorithm knows what the safest number of actions is.

Try to make pauses between posts, and do NOT repeatedly share posts in a short period. If you do this, you will be suspected of spamming. And of course, you don’t want it.

  • Violating Copyrights

Copyrights are a severe limitation of every social network, and Instagram is no exception. Instagram considers this action a big deal, and it’s so serious about this issue.

All the images, music, and videos you have shared in your account have to be either yours or permitted by its author. You can give credit to the author in the description of your posts.

What is the result of ignoring the copyright?

The author can report you to Instagram for using their content without permission or determining the authorship, and then you will be banned for copyright infringement.

Why Some Users Get Banned From Instagram?

  • Content Violating Instagram rules

Photos and videos containing nude bodies, sexual content, racism, and harshness are inappropriate. Posting these kinds of inappropriate content will get you banned, so be aware.

  • Other users reports

Some users decided that your account is a thread for the Instagram community, so they reported you. If this action repeats by other users, Instagram will block your profile anytime soon.

People can inform you for various reasons: insults, sharing inappropriate content, spam, etc.

How to avoid getting Banned on Instagram?

As you know, most of the time, Instagram warns you with temporary blocks. For example, you won’t be able to like or make comments for a brief time.

In that case, you shouldn’t do anything! Yes, you heard me right. Just chill and wait till Instagram gives back the lost abilities to you. And make sure you do not repeat the previous actions that made you get a block by the Instagram ban instructure.

The severe condition is when you have been banned, and you cannot enter your account. If you think that your account was blocked by mistake, you can click on “appeal the decision.”


If you don’t see this request, you might lose your account, so you must create a new one with your email.

You will never know why this happened to you, so be very careful about the content you share and your behavior with other users. We hope you won’t get in trouble like this.

To briefly paraphrase

Be careful about the things that you share or discuss on Instagram and other platforms.

Being on social media has become part of our life. So let’s make it a better place and tolerable for everyone.

If you want your account to stay safe on Instagram, you should accept its ban rules.


Have you ever been banned by Instagram? What did you do, and what happened next? Please share your solution with us.

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