+40 Best Instagram Filters For Selfies


“Filters” are one of the best parts of taking a selfie on Instagram. They can be fun and beautiful, and playing with them and taking selfies can be fun for most Instagram users.

Some filters have sparkles, and some add make-up to your face. Some of them add a vintage theme or black and white theme. You can find any filters on this photo-sharing application.

The filters that are fun are my favorite, personally. Like the “What will you do in 2022?” or “Your celebrity parents!”

In this paper, we will go through Instagram filters, and we will learn how to find them and bring more than 40 best filters on Instagram for selfies.

+40 Best Instagram Filters For Selfies

So if you are interested in playing with filters on Instagram and trying new ones, don’t miss this article.

How can you search for filters on Instagram?

Before introducing the best filters, you need to search and find them on Instagram. To search and find the best filters on Instagram, all you need to do is:

  1. On Instagram, go to your story section. (In the feed, swipe right, or tap on your profile picture.)
  2. You can see some pre-added filters; swipe left until you see a magnifier.
  3. After tapping on that, you can either discover new filters from its category or search the filters by their name if you know any.
  4. Now select a filter that you like and tap on it.
  5. You can try the filter, and if you like it, save it by ticking it on the downside of your screen.

Now that you have saved the filter, you again can go to your story section and find it by swiping right or left. If you want to delete a filter on your Instagram camera, tap the boxed shape icon on the left side of the filter’s name.

What are the 40 best Instagram filters for selfies?

Instagram has always kept its quality for introducing new features. In my opinion, you can’t find any filters similar to Instagram on other apps, and even the apps are for editing pictures.

+40 Best Instagram Filters For Selfies

This platform has eliminated its users from other applications due to its fantastic options. But some users might not be familiar with its filters, so here we are about to mention some of the best filters on Instagram in specific categories, and how you can use them.

Dark and black theme filters:

Let’s start with the most used filters, which are those with dark themes:

1- BLVCK4-DARK-selfie
2- Blach and White5-Black Mood
3- Blach and White and Blur6-Dark Tone

Aesthetic filters:

These are my favorite filters, search them, and you will get obsessed with them because they give your photos a 90s look.

7- Aesthetic10- Aesthetic Blur
8- v6.AUTHENTIC11- Aesthetic Photo
9- Doku12- Aesthetic pink

Fun filters:

It is time to have some fun on Instagram:

13- Nani16- Inflate
14- Sunich Be Cool17- BIG EYES
15- Mustache18- Donuts

Scary filters:

Are you looking for a filter to use on Halloween? Or do you want to share a story at midnight? These are for you:

19- Double Exposure 3D22- Exposure
20- Scary Joker23- Scary Black Eyes
21- Tecno Cyborg24- Scary Smile

Face Glitter filters:

In this part, you can find some filters that add glitter to your face and make it shiny:

25- Pretty28- sunrise vibes
26- Good Skin V.229- cute baby face
27- Be Bright30- golden bloom

Glitter filters:

Add glitter everywhere using:

31- Glitter Hair34- Aqua Glitter
32- Purple Glitter35- Golden Glitter
33- glitter36- Glitter4EVER

Entertaining filters:

These are filters, you can play with them for hours!

37- Celebrity Parents40- in 2022, I should…
38- Your celebrity twin41- 2022 I will be
39- Soulmate Scan42- How old do I look?

These are just some of the cool filters on Instagram that we mentioned here. The number of filters is very high, and you can search anything that pops into your mind to find your favorite filter.

Besides all these filters, Instagram has some amazing ones on its story section:

  1. Head to your story section.
  2. Take a picture or pick one from your camera roll.
  3. Now, swipe right or left on your selected photo and see the best filters like Jakarta, Tokyo, Abu Dhabi, and others.

You can make your selfies and pictures level up using these unique filters.

As a final observation:

Taking great pictures is not enough; you need to add something to give it a unique theme or some spirit. Instagram won’t let you down in this subject.

Just go to your story section and find the best ones. It also can entertain you for hours. But some people, especially young women, are addicted to adding beauty filters to their selfies, and they think they are not pretty enough!

All human beings are beautiful; you don’t have to compare yourself with the “beauty standards” that are regularly changing! Just be yourself, and this is true beauty.


If you have any remarks on this point, please share them with us in the comments below.

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