How to Change your Instagram Email Address? [IOS, Android, & Windows]


To create an account on Instagram and log in to this app, you need to have an email address. Not only Instagram but all social media apps also require you to enter your address for creating an account and having a profile.

Your email address is a key to opening all social app doors! But what if you changed your email address? Would you lose your account? Of course not. Instagram lets you change your mail both for its security and if you have changed it.

In this part, we will inform you how you can update your email on Instagram to keep your safety. If you don’t know how to do it read the whole article, we have explained how to update and change your email address for all the devices you run Instagram.

How to Change your Instagram Email Address

How can you change your Instagram email address on your phone?

If you are looking for ways to update your email address on Instagram, you are at the right place!

In this part, we will clarify how you can change it, and fortunately, the steps are exact for both Android and iPhone devices. So check it out.

Follow the stages below to change your Instagram email address on your Android and iPhone:

  1. Navigate to Instagram and tap on your profile picture in the lower right corner of your screen.
  2. Tap on the 3 horizontal lines on your profile page and find the “Settings” section.
  3. On the menu, find “Account.”
  4. Find and select “Personal Information” at the top of the current page.
  5. After typing your new email address, tap on the tick mark or “Done” at the top of your screen to update your email address.

Using this way, you can update your email and secure your Instagram account.

How to Change your Instagram Email Address

How to change your Instagram email address on Windows and Mac?

If you are not using Instagram on your phone, changing your email address is not a complex procedure all you need to do is follow some simple steps.

Here is how to do it:

  1. Open Instagram on your browser, and if it is needed, log in.
  2. Click on your profile photo and open your profile page.
  3. Tap on “Edit Profile” next to your username.
  4. Now you can change and update your email address and the “Submit.”

These are the ways you can change your personal account’s email address. No matter what your device is. You can change and update your email address on your phone, PC, and computer to increase your safety on IG.

On a business account, you have a different process. If you want to know, check the paragraph below.

How to Change your Instagram Email Address

How to Change Your Email Address on your Instagram business account?

You can add so much information to your Instagram business account. You have to add important information such as your website, business email address, etc.

To change your business email address on your Instagram professional account, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your profile by tapping on your profile picture.
  2. Then click on “Edit profile.”
  3. Find “Public Business Information” in the section you can write your business email address.
  4. Choose whether you want your information to be public or not.
  5. After you are finished updating your information, click on “Done” to save all the changes.

Can you change the login email address on your Instagram account?

Of course, it is possible. You can change your login email address on your profile page. Open your Instagram profile page and tap on “Edit Profile.” in this part, you can type in your new email address and update it.

Changing the email address is all about keeping you safe and helping you with your account’s security. You need to keep your Instagram email address up-to-date to prevent account loss or other security issues.

How to Change your Instagram Email Address? [IOS, Android, & Windows]

We have brought some extra security tips to help you keep your account safe:

  • Choose a strong password.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Don’t use Instagram on other devices. Don’t save your pass on the browser if you have no choice.
  • Secure your email address.
  • Don’t use unofficial third-party apps.

Take care of your Instagram account.

Changing and updating your email address is one of the ways you can maintain your security on this platform. If you have forgotten which email address or phone number you are using on Instagram, you can always check it from your profile page and setting section.

Keep your information updated to prevent any troubles. No matter you are using Instagram to have fun, or you are here for business. In both situations, you need to keep your data safe.


With this protection, there is less chance for you to lose your account. If you have any remarks on this topic, please share them with us in the comments below.

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