How to Copy Comments on Instagram? (iPhone & Android)


Instagram is one of the leading apps among the other social media platforms. Users daily share posts, stories, and reels on this platform, and You can see all this content and enjoy it.

There are many ways to save visual content on Instagram for yourself, but do you think you can save or copy comments on Instagram?

This has always been a concern for Instagramers, and they wanted to copy comments and captions on Instagram. But they couldn’t find a way for that!

Unlike Twitter or some of the apps, on Instagram, you can’t hold long on a text and copy it. So what can we do in this situation?

How to Copy Comments on Instagram

There is a way you can copy comments on Instagram without using third-party apps, which we will discuss here in this article. So stay with us till the end to know what it is and learn how to do it.

How to Copy Comments on Instagram for iPhone users?

Has it ever happened to you that you face a funny or attractive comment or caption on Instagram, and you wanted to keep it? All you could do was take a screenshot, save it to your gallery and then type it somewhere else!

Well, you don’t need to do this process anymore! Just follow the steps below to copy a comment on your iOS device:

  1. On your device, open the Instagram app.
  2. Find the post that you want to copy its caption.
  3. On the main post, tap on the    to open the menu.
  4. Copy the post’s link.
  5. Open your preferred browser on iPhone. (Safari or Google Chrome)
  6. Now you need to paste the link in the address bar and tap on the go.
  7. Log in to your account on the browser.
  8. After logging in, Instagram will show the post you copied its link.
  9. In the comment section, try to copy a comment; if you still can’t, you need to change your Instagram mobile version to a web version.

How to do that? Tap on the web page settings menu and adopt Request Desktop Website in the address bar.

  1. Now that you have an Instagram desktop version, rotate your phone to access the comments.
  2. All you need to do is a long press on the comment you wish to copy and then hit the “Copy” pop up on your screen.

How to Copy Comments on Instagram

The process may seem a bit time-consuming, but it is so easy. After following all these steps, you can paste the comment wherever you want and keep it or share it with your mates.

How to Copy Comments on Instagram for Android users?

Have you ever tried to copy a comment in a standard way on Instagram, and it didn’t work? Well, the copy pop-up won’t appear on this app until you follow the steps below.

The process is kind of similar to the iPhone version but let’s take a look:

  1. On your android device, find the post you want to copy one of its comments.
  2. Tap on the copy link from the post’s menu ().
  3. Open the chrome and paste the link, then log into your Instagram account if you have not.

Note: if you can’t copy the comments, you might need to convert Instagram mobile webpage to the desktop version. At the top of your screen, enable the Desktop site toggle on the Chrome menu.

  1. Here, unlike iPhone users, you don’t need to rotate your phone to see the comments.
  2. After finding the comment, you want to copy, hold on to it for a few seconds, and copy.

How to Copy Comments on Instagram

  • Instagram Desktop is your Hero!

When it comes to copying comments on Instagram, you can do it on the desktop version, whether on your phone, your PC, laptop, Mac, and other devices.

Using this trick will eliminate the need for third-party apps.

  • Can you COPY Instagram BIO?

Yes! It is similar to copying Instagram comments. Below are all the steps you need to follow:

  1. On Instagram, find the profile bio you want to copy.
  2. Then tap on the three dots icon, then select Copy Profile URL.
  3. On a web browser, open the link.
  4. Bingo! After long pressing on it, you will be able to copy the bio.

How to Copy Comments on Instagram

It is concluded that:

Instagram wants to prevent copy-paste across the platform, and this is why you can’t copy comments or other text on this forum.

So Insta has disabled the copy functions for comments. And it is worth noting that you just can copy comments, captions, and bio using this instruction; you can’t copy stories, text, or other stuff.

Was this information useful for you? Did you know how to copy Instagram comments? Please share your responses with us in the section below.

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