How to Find Out Who Owns an Account on Instagram? + 4 simple Tips

Instagram is a common app that can be found on everyone’s phone. There are very few Internet users that don’t have an account on Instagram.
When you ask about someone’s Instagram username, they respond: I’m not on Instagram. In some points, it might be hard to accept.
So, how can you find out who owns an Instagram account? It is an exciting job to find the owner of an Instagram account.
You might be interested in finding other people that pretend they don’t have an account on this platform! There are some ways that might help you with this purpose.
And in this paper, we want to talk and discuss these tricks.
How to find out who owns an account on Instagram?
As we mentioned above, some ways could help you track down who has an account on Instagram.
You can use third-party apps.
There are some applications that work well and find out the creator of the accounts. One of these apps is the Instatracker application, which allows you to get the information you need.
If you want to know this app works, follow the steps below:
- Navigate the application page.
- Write down the username that you want to find out about the creator.
- Establish the account by checking the profile picture.
- Allow the application to do all its processes.
- Bingo! Now you know the creator of that account.
Using these types of apps will help you to identify the accounts that you are suspicious, whether they are the person you think of or not.
What is the next solution?
Using their IP address
It is the other way of finding out who is behind an Instagram account. Now the main problem is, how can you find their IP address? It is so simple.
You can use the IP grabber methods here; in this case, you can quickly find out the IP address of any user or profile on Instagram. Let’s start with finding Instagram users’ IP Addresses.
How to find an Instagram user’s IP address?
You need to follow the account you want and send them a link in the direct section. The link should be a special URL. What is this particular link?
It is just a typical site, but it lets you know the IP address when you enter that website. There are many IP grabbers that you can use for this purpose.
Check their followers and followings.
This is one of the wisely acts you can do in this situation. Checking their profile page. You can have some guesses by checking the account they are following.
Fake accounts follow fake accounts, but the person you are looking for may follow the people you already know or guess! A fake account can be differentiated from real ones based on their followers and followings list.
Ask them in the direct section!
Last but not least, you can be honest and frankly ask them who they are. It is a simple but trusted method! Also, you won’t be bothered by all the steps above and be like a detective.
You just have to tell them why you need to know the creator and your request or aim. It might work sometimes. But be careful about the reason you are giving them and why you are searching for the creator.
If you be honest, and they feel it, they might give you the correct answer, which will get the point.
For this method, you need powerful communication skills. If you are mean or don’t tell the truth, they won’t trust you. Also, you need to know what information you have to give.
In the paper, we added some structures to find out who owns an account on Instagram. The detective-type personalities might need this article!
If you want to know who is the creator of a specific account, you have 4 ways to track them.
If you know any other way that is tested and has worked, please write them down in the comment section to add them as one of the steps.
Have you ever wondered who is behind a specific account? Would you explain to us what your aim was in finding that person?